Thursday, January 28, 2010

Saya's 9 month Well Check

Saya had the 9 month appointment this morning, so Chio and I took her and the twins to the doctor's. I forgot to grab the stat sheet after the appointment so I don't have the exact figures, but I know that Saya is over 21 lbs and about 30 inches long. She is 90% on weight and off the chart on height. She's a big girl. She's been wearing mostly 12 months clothing but she can fit fine in 18 months ones, too. The twins got their second shot of flu vaccines and they did really well. They didn't even cry! Saya had gotten three shots including HepB and poor thing didn't like them at all. Her iron level is within the recommended range and I am just impressed with my high quality breastmilk! Who knew!
Well, that's about it for today!

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