Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Before I forget, I wanted to report the recent milestone achievements in the Campbells household.

Sean -- he is finally pooping in the toilet after bribing him with a special access to the "treasure box." He still prefers pull up diaper over toilet, but with time and encouragement, he has done it three times already. His poop schedule is very consistent and that is helping us a lot with prepping him to sit on the toilet.

Noah -- He is starting to make more sound and says "poppe" for hoppe (cheeks in Japanese), mama for me and dada for Mike etc... He is working twice a week with a behavioral therapist and he is making some good progress. She says that he tolerates working with her for longer time now. He just seems happier in general these days, perhaps he understands that interacting with people is more fun now.

Alyson -- She is combining more two words and she is doing a great job understanding both English and Japanese. She is stronger in English now but I am working with her in Japanese. She pretty much imitates anything and everything Sean does and very motivated to be a big girl. She likes to sit on the potty although the deed has not happened yet. She asks to go sit on the potty all the time and I think she is ready to be trained.

Saya -- She is working on third and fourth teeth on the top, one of them not the middle tooth. And she is now a proud member of "I can stand" club and she has been pulling up whenever she can. She is still wobbly and cannot sit down from standing, but as active as she is I think it won't be too long before cruising. Mike and I are pretty sure that she now says "Dozo" for giving something to someone (there you go, in Japanese). I think she is going to be an early talker.

Anyways, I don't have any new pictures at the moment but I wanted to post these for the record and to share the good news with you!

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