Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sick Girls and Sensory Diet

Saya likes to stand but she still cannot sit down from standing.
With my kitty Grace

Saya likes to play with Grace

She is a very good kitty, doesn't raise her paw at kids.

Aly wasn't herself today. She acted tired all day long.

Cuddling up with Grace.

Well, Saya has been sick since last Friday and she is finally starting to show some signs that the antibiotics is doing what is supposed to do. She's had moderately high fever since Friday and today is the first day she doesn't have any. Her nose is still very runny and she has the wet coughs. Her ears must still hurt because she cries every time she coughs.
Aly was a different girl today. She is normally the loudest and most vivacious little girl in the house, but she was clingy and quiet most of the time. I hope she's not going to develop a full blown sinus infection like Saya did.
On Sean's sensory issues, I read a print out Jessica the OT gave me the other day about "Sensory Diet" and decided to try out this new approach to resolve his strange behaviors. Sometimes out of blue he would start knocking all the toys down off the shelves, or scream for no reason etc... and we thought that he was just seeking attention for the longest time. But I figured out that he probably is seeking stimulation because his brain thinks that he is under stimulated. A lot of autistic people have this problem, their brain stops or slows down processing stimuli and they seek it out by their action of choice. "Sensory Diet" recommends observing the pattern through out the day and "feed" him the appropriate amount of sensory activities he needs. The activities could be jumping together or giving him a tight hug. I like that it is a proactive method and I am going to experiment with it and see how he responds.

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