Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Weekend

Aly playing with the play doughs and Saya finger painting!
Sean showing off his martial arts skills, now a proud owner of the orange-striped belt!

We had a fairly good weekend thanks to the sunshine on Saturday and fun playdate with Andy and his little twin brothers Charlie and Finn on Sunday.

On Saturday, I took Sean to the Spiritridge park on foot while the rest of the babies are napping. It took forever to get there since Sean stops and asks questions about anything and everything that interests him, but it was a fun walk. Everyone seemed to be in a cheerly mood at the park and we met some nice neighbors there. I met a Japanese American family who lives fairly close to my house and we agreed that a playdate in Japanese would be a good thing to have in the near future.
Oh, and one important news which Sean would be mad at me if I don't mention. Sean received an orange stripe on his Tae-Kwon Do belt because he memorized the pledge. He was very proud of himself and was showing it off when he got home.

Mike and Neal went to the Sounder's game in the evening, so we had to hurry and get the evening routine on track. They sat in a box seat with free food, so they had a really good time. I wish I could have gone, but our nanny had plans.

On Sunday, the Mereckises invited us to their house for a playdate. Our houses are fairly close along the W. Samammish Parkway. I was very impressed with how organized everything was even though they have three little boys! How do you keep it so well organized, Liz? I think I need some tips and pointers from you. Their playroom was just like the ones I see on Pottery Barn catalogs and the kids had a really good time playing with all the fun toys they have. Thanks for having us and it was really nice meeting your whole family!

Now, we are gearing up for my Mom's visit tomorrow through Thursday. She will be stopping by on her way to Yellowstone National Park. As our nanny Chio is coming tomorrow and Wednesday, it will be interesting to see if Alyson would call both my Mom and Chio "grandma" or if she would create a new nickname for one of them. We'll see!

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