Saturday, June 12, 2010

Grandma's Visit from Japan

Grandma with Saya, moments after she arrived.
Grandma playing with Sean.

Grandma and Aly playing on her air mattress.
We played in the playroom until her taxi came to take her to the airport.

This was a first for me. My Mom came and visited from Japan, but she was here for only two and half days. I am glad she was able to come and see us, but it was such a tease. I wish we were able to spend more time together, but it is better than no time together.
The kids had a lot of fun with grandma. I felt bad that Sean was being rude to her, but she understands his condition. He takes longer time now to warm up to people. I know though that he likes to play with her a lot and my Mom sure knows how to make him laugh! Aly was a little shy at first but quickly warmed up to her. Saya was asking to be picked up by grandma by the second day. Noah was wandering around a lot as usual, but he sure liked to play catch me game with her. She brought so many little presents for the kids as usual and her suitcase was half empty after she took out the load.
Now she is on her final day in Yellowstone. I hope the weather held up and she was able to see all the beautiful faces Grand Teton and Yellowstone posses. I used to go up there with my best friend often since I lived in eastern Idaho for four years. Lake Jenny is my favorite lake of all places. We will take the kids up there one of these years.
Thanks for coming, Grandma! We will be looking forward to seeing you again in December!

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