Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GFCF Cooking

I am getting pretty good at cooking gluten and casein free food. I made Asian style pancakes using rice flour, xanthum gum, egg substitute, shredded cabbage, dashi stock, shrimp and a dash of sea salt tonight. They turned out really well. The girls loved them (boys didn't eat them), too. It's fun to find a creative way to make delicious meals with the things you have in the fridge sans wheat or milk. Baking is a big challenge, but I am getting better. I baked two loafs of zucchini bread the other day and they were moist and yummy. The texture was a tad different, but that was about it. It tasted much like a regular kind with wheat and milk. I am due to bake some cookies since we are out. Kids sure keep me busy in all areas!

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