Monday, November 22, 2010

First Snow of the Season

Well, we knew it was coming and were prepared for it. It started to snow on Sunday afternoon, but it didn't stick. However today, everything is white outside. It's been snowing all day long. The snow melted a little around 2 pm, but it started to snow hard right before Sean's bus arrived home. And it's COLD!! The high tomorrow is supposed to be 25 F and all the snow accumulated today isn't going anywhere for the next couple of days. Unfortunately, we are planning to go to Boise on Wednesday. I checked the Snoqualmie Pass road condition and it is not good. In fact, the entire path to Boise is covered with snow now. We have to wait and see what it is like tomorrow afternoon and make the decision. We are thinking of delaying the trip until Thursday, which means we'll be all cramped up in the car while America is having a warm meal of Turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie.

It's 11 pm now and I just got a call from Bellevue School District and it is an official snow day for Sean tomorrow. The school is closed. The timing of it is so ironic. The weather has been rather warm up until last weekend. Humph... So is life...

The kids had fun in the snow today though. Aly and Noah played on the deck for a little while. They were stumping around and making their foot tracks, touched some snow, sat on it and discovered that their bottom is cold, and tried looking at the falling snow to see what it looks like. After a little while, it was too cold for them and whimpered to go inside. Noah's nose mucus all the sudden had a surge in production from the cold and it took me a while to clean all of it out. Sean wore a pair of snow boots today to school and had lots of fun playing in snow. It was freezing cold, but he wanted to play outside in the snow after school.

We'll see how this snow business is going to be tomorrow. I am glad I installed snow tires on my minivan!


Amanda J said...

hi kimi! the roads are SO bad right now. i was supposed to drive to boise yesterday (monday), but made the decision not to and not I-15 is closed, so even if i wanted to drive to boise, i can't. i hope that you have a happy thanksgiving!! : )


Tired Parents said...

awee, sorry you couldn't make it to Boise. We made it fine although some parts in Oregon were pretty bad. I am sure it was 10 times worse though up north in your area. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving in Bozeman. Come and see us soon!