Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Getting Things Together

Not ready for bed yet! Noah and Aly were playing together walking around in headlock position. Noah liked it, surprisingly.

A little more organized playroom downstairs. Every evening though it looks as if a tornado came through.

Sean had no school today (Wednesday), so we played downstairs in the morning before his OT (occupational therapy).

We are learning to share. Sharing is still a big issue for us. Sean was wanting the carp toy Aly has in this photo.

Here, Noah's standing on the bar stool trying to grab wine glasses on the cupboard. He realized that he can pretty much reach anything with a bar stool. Slick guy.
We had a somewhat typical Wednesday today, me running around in my minivan hauling kids to places. I say somewhat because our nanny Chio was not feeling well and she left at 1:00. She normally stays until 3:30 on Wednesdays. She's been having a headache and her cheeks looked red, so I thought it would be best she goes home and rest. I felt bad that I made her go to Crossroads mall with me this morning with Sean, Aly and Saya! Sean has OT from 11:00 with Jessica, so I thought I would drop Chio, Aly and Saya off at the mall during therapy so that the girls can get out of the house.
The kids like to drive around after dark (it gets dark after 5 here now) because they enjoy looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood. We put it up last weekend on our house, however it kind of looks a little beaten up since there are blocks of lights that are burned out. Sean still loves looking at Christmas trees. We set it up last Sunday in our house and every morning he runs down to look at it. I think Christmas is his favorite. It is very exciting for him to see all these decorations everywhere in town. Of course, if Sean's excited about something, the younger ones are also. Sean makes everything official for them.
I have been busy everyday but it seems even busier these days. It's not the shopping, but I seem to be running around doing something but not accomplishing much. My mind must be busy thinking of all things I have to do (what are they?) and having hard time focusing. I need to start writing things down so that I can cross them off the list. Well, that's about it for today. I better get some sleep so that I can function better tomorrow!

1 comment:

Machelle said...

Holy cow they are getting so big and grown up!!! They look wonderful! I am sure you are just always a busy bee!