Sunday, December 5, 2010

Xander's 1st Birthday Party

Aly and Sean having fun at the table.
The birthday boy!

Beautiful private room at the steakhouse.

Saya ate well as usual.

Xander and me - I love the colors of his clothes.

Aly pretty much ate the entire cake all by herself.

Jen decorated a Costco made cake and made it look like a wedding cake, WOW!

Kevin and Jen's son, Xander, turned one on December 3, and they had a Korean style birthday party for him on Saturday. Saya is 7 month older than Xander, but he is about the same size as Saya (and Saya's not small). He is a very happy little boy and I am sure he'll be a nice pal for Saya, if she wouldn't boss him around!

The party was held at a nice steakhouse in downtown Bellevue and everything was set up beautifully. There was a table with symbolic offerings and Jen was explaining what each item means, however I must admit I wasn't paying close attention (I had the peripheral vision switch on to keep track of the kids). They were all pretty though. :-) The lunch was delicious and kids ate well. We met some nice people and had fun chatting with them.

Xander changed into the traditional outfit after lunch and he looked ADORABLE with little black hat and bright colored silk clothing. He didn't want to keep the hat on after a while, but we got some nice pictures. After blowing the solo birthday candle, they had a traditional fortune telling game where you line up items such as money, pencil and ball which have symbolic meaning like wealth, education and athleticism etc... and Mr. Xander chose a basketball, computer mouse, and money. I guess he is going to be an athletic computer guy with money!

Kids were a little overstimulated towards the end, but we enjoyed being part of Xander's birthday celebration. The Collins are wonderful family and we are so glad we live a few houses down and our kids are best friends (however, Parker and Sean started to argue more these days).

Thank you Kevin and Jen for having us at the party!!

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