Monday, January 21, 2013

Football Bleepings

Kids watching football with Daddy.

It is boiling down to the Superbowl now and we had some exciting games recently.  Seahawk's loss in the playoff game#2 was disappointing, but it was the kind of game where both teams played hard and us spectators were left with clenching fists until the last second of the game.  We lost, but I was satisfied (no wonder my Chiro today said I have lots of tension on my shoulders). 

Football on television is a grown-up show.  The commercials are geared towards middle-aged males with trailers for violent movies or sexually suggestive beer ads etc... We usually fast forward the commercials but Sean catches them every once in a while.  He would say "look that man just punched a baby!" and giggle or "wow, how come the whole building exploded??" trying to make sense out of the crazy images he see.  I am not an overprotective parent but when the kids see something disturbing to them, they keep asking us why many many times.   Too many times and that drives us crazy. 

I have to watch my language while watching football also.  Yesterday while we were watching 49rs vs Falcon's game, I said to Mike "wow, that guy looks like a bad ass!"  As soon as I said it, I regretted.  Mike looked at me and then little Sean sitting next to me.  I looked at Sean and his big adorable eyes were staring at me.  "What's a bad ass, Mommy?" he asked with the most innocent voice (it almost sounded purposefully).  I said "oh, oops that is a grown-up word that is not good to use.  Don't say that ever until you are a grown-up!" but he didn't seem convinced.  "Here Sean, I have an invisible eraser and I will erase what you heard" and rubbed his ears.  "Nope, it's still there!" he contently said with a gainful smile.  We shall see if he brings home a note from teacher.

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