Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Mini Vacation

Mike and I don't do a couple thing as often as we should like going on a date or watch a movie together, but one thing we are doing this week is being sick together!  Very sick together, I might add.  On Wednesday, I started to feel slightly off with light coughs from the chest and just general fatigued feeling.  I took precaution and skipped gymnastics that day.  Mike came home early saying he isn't feeling so well, but he chipped in to pick up multiple children from different places since I couldn't go.  I increasingly felt dizzy and tired, so I went to bed early hoping that rest would cure it.  The next day, I felt the same as I felt on Wednesday but I started to get the crazy chills in the afternoon.  I had no reason to be cold as I was wearing a fleece jacket and a blanket.  I knew then that I was going to have a high fever, so took medicine and went to sleep.  When I woke up at 10 pm from resting, my temperature was 104.6 F (about 40C)!  I had to look up on my smart phone to see if it's ok to have a fever that high.  Surely.  Am I going to die?  Suddenly, I remembered the news about a dozen people dying from the flu this year in Western Washington.  "You may have a brain damage with a fever as high as 105F" one website read.  I can't afford any less brain cells, I thought.  I contemplated about going to the emergency room, but I knew that was going to be a waste of time - making me wait forever for a doctor and he is going to give me a Tylenol.  So, I stayed put on my bed, feeling hot like desert sand.  Eventually though the fever came down with the help of ibuprofen.  Don't mess with Flu.  I am going to be punctual about flu shot next year!

Well, the last weekend was much anticipated because uncle Aaron and Tina were visiting from Salt Lake City.  It was just unfortunate that Mike and I were both sick.  We were planning to go to the Bainbridge Island on Saturday together, but we couldn't join them.  They said they enjoyed the visit to the island and the view of Seattle from the ocean.  It's a nice little hope over on a local ferry and the view of Seattle skyline is spectacular.  I forget we live in an area surrounded by islands and we need to enjoy them more.  Mike got to visit with them the night they arrived and I got to hang out with them a little on Sunday morning at the school playground with kids.  Sean showed off his NFL knowledge with uncle Aaron and they played some catch together.  Sean enjoyed that very much.  Saya was in a bit of a funny mood and kept to herself most of the time, but Aly enjoyed talking with Tina and uncle Aaron.  Noah was busy running around and made sure that I am getting my exercise.  Alyson now says she wants to be a doctor when she grows up, so she has a mentor in the family.  It's always nice to see them and we miss having them close. 

So, it was an interesting week.  I am almost 100% better and now that I am capable of doing what I usually do everyday, I am simply baffled by how much stuff I do everyday!  I guess I will just take my sick episode as my mini vacation.  As awful as I felt, it was easy lying around.   Mike is feeling better, too, so life is back to "normal" now.

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