Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Amy Baby!

One day I got a text from Amy, our former nanny, that she is expecting a baby in June.  I almost fell off my chair!  My Amy who in my mind is still a college kid (who is a full-time first grade teacher in Seattle) is having a baby!  It made me feel old, more so than on Sean's 8th birthday!  I am so happy for her and her fiancĂ© and cannot wait to meet the cute little baby.  I know one thing that baby is going to have for sure - hip and stylish clothes!  Amy was my fashionista and I always looked forward to seeing what she decided to wear when she walked in.  Saya also enjoyed her shoe collection since Amy was a self-claimed shoeholic and owned many different shoes.  Saya as a baby and toddler was equally fascinated by shoes and tried on every single shoes Amy left by the door.  

They are not going to find out the gender until birth and the whole family and friends are making their own guessing bets on boy or girl.  In my humble and unreliable opinion, her fiancĂ© looks like a father to a little girl however, Amy's vibe is a boy.  So, I am torn and have no clue!  Congratulations Amy star!  You are like a baby sister to me and I am so excited to that you are starting a new journey of Motherhood.   You will be a great Mother - I know for a fact because you took an excellent care of my babies.  You could even handle twins at 23 years-old!   So, go have that baby and enjoy every minute!  You know how quickly babies grow up.

The pictures are from the baby shower at the end of April.  I took the girls with me and we had a very good time, not to mention lots of good food.  The girls thought their candy station was the best thing ever and had lots and lots of candies.  I was so happy to see Chio, Amy's Mom, too.  Amy's family is amazingly kind and I admire them very much.  I hope we can build a warm and caring family like them. 

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