Sunday, October 19, 2014

Western Washington State Fair 2014

Happy Fair Time!

What are you going to do with this goat??!!

Oh, I see...
She wasn't posing - just looking at something...
Saya loves those mascots.

Piggy Butt that I could not resist taking picture of.  It's one of those things makes you stare at it for no reason.

Oh my!  I didn't realize how behind I am.  Here we are entering into the later part of October but my September posts pile up in my head and it is ready to explode!  I am going to conquer this, I know I can!

We had some great weather in September which left us freely roam in T-shirts and shorts much of the month.  I enjoyed the extra bonus warmth we got in the early fall because us Seattleites feel nostalgic about summer and the sun since we spend most of the year feeling depressed under the gloomy sky. 

It was in 80s when I took my girls to the Western Washington State Fair in Puyallup in mid September.  I hadn't taken the kids to the fair since Saya was 17 month old and the kids received free tickets to the fair from school anyway, so I decided to give it a try.  Of course, those free tickets are baits.  I had to buy mine at full price plus the food and rides cost $$$.   Sean and Noah stayed home with Daddy since there was a Seahawks game on TV.

Fairs call for vibrant colors and jubilant energy.  We certainly soaked it up and had a lot of fun looking at the exhibits and being on the rides.  The girls met many farm animals and learned that some of them may look grotesque in certain angles close up.  Saya is now certain that she is afraid of pigs.  I don't know what is so frightening about pigs, but I did notice their butts are very strangely familiar looking.  I guess the photo says it all. :-)

We enjoyed the all American annual pastime and look forward to the next time.  I saw many Mexican families at the fairground and it reminded me of the fair I went in Durango, Mexico.  I wondered if they are feeling homesick but they looked like having a good time.  I was so sure it was the last of hot days, but I was wrong.  More sun worshipping to come!

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