Tuesday, April 14, 2015

St. Patricks Day 2015

I am playing a catch up with my post as you can tell. :-)

St. Patrick's Day is an event our kids get excited about.  The idea of Leprechaun and a pot of gold are fascinating for little children.  Ever since the kids' kindergarten teacher taught them what Leprechauns do (which was Saya's first year learning about it at school this year), they have been wanting to catch them by making a trap.  Living in America for 20 plus years, I had never heard of making a Leprechaun trap before Sean's teacher taught him at school.  I had to call another Mom to ask what the heck he was talking about.  At 9 years of age, Sean still softly believes in Leprechaun.  I guess he is at an age he wants to hang on to all the familiar beliefs he cherishes and shut the reasoning part of the brain off for the sake of having fun.  Otherwise at 9,  how could he so be serious asking me where I think Leprechauns appear in our house at night?  He is a funny boy.

The girls and Sean made a Leprechaun trap each, designing it carefully to successfully trap a Leprechaun.  After my advice, Sean put his on the kitchen stove and girls put theirs under their dining room chair.  The girls excitedly chattered what the Leprechaun might bring for them this year.  They might be thinking Leprechauns are green Santa Claus.  I had to ran to Target after they had gone to sleep to find items from Leprechauns.  I spent good one hour looking for a suitable gift.  I blame myself for this tradition.  I left a little present for them one year and alas the kids think they get something on St. Patrick's Day.

I hope children remember all these fun memories from the little holiday like this.  I sure will remember them and think what a late night last minute shopper I was in my "young" days.  Thank you, Target, for opening until 11 pm at night...

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