Thursday, January 29, 2009

This is how our dinner goes

This is a typical dinner scene at our house!

New Milestones

Did you know rice looks good on eye lashes?

With our Nanny, Amy
Proud Noah

Noah had learned to pull up two days ago! He's been standing ever since holding on to the couch, his activity table and the end table. He just loves standing, that boy. He's also working on his 9th teeth and a little cranky.

Sean's been funny with all the chatting he does. In the morning he says "I am going to work" and he thinks his work is playing at the daycare. I suppose that is true. His job is to play and learn new things. Yesterday morning when he saw Daddy with clean shave he said "Daddy so clean, handsome!" and made Daddy's day. We are hoping with more verbal skills, he'll get the idea and logic behind going on potty as well!

Aly is a living sponge and she observes and imitates many things we do. She and Noah both wave bye-bye and clap on command. Aly also raises her arms when I say "Banzai!" and imitates chewing motion with her mouth when I am eating something. She's very curious and into a lot of things but it's fun watching her bang my baking pans on the floor etc... Noah and Aly are both cuddle bugs and they love to be carried. They are getting heavy though because I am also carrying another load in my tummy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sean Talking in Japanese

Sean is not a big talker yet but when he is in the mood, he does not stop chatting. In this clip you can see Sean speaking in Japaness about his Daddy.

BOB arrived!


This hat barely contains Noah's extra soft cheeks!
How's Bob boys?

We finally bought a double jogging stroller that were on our "maybe to buy" list since last summer. We got it on eBay for about $60 cheaper than if you buy it from anywhere else! The jogger's maker BOB (not to confuse with my father-in-law) is a company based in Boise. It's built like a high quality mountain bike and we just love it! It moves so smoothly that just one push using a finger would push it across our entry way. Mike took Sean and Noah-kan on a neighborhood test spin and they loved it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sean at 5 month!

I was looking through some old photos of Sean and just cannot believe how big he has gotten. He was a cute baby with this strand of hair standing on top like a little antenna. That small batch of hair would not lie down no matter what we did and it withstood some serious winds. He had big eyes that were very daring and sweet. Those eyes were the signs of his very stubborn nature for now but I am sure it will carry him through very far in his future adventures! As my little boy will turn three next month, a mother cannot help but be emotional in how once a tiny baby is becoming a child with his own minds.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Corn Puff Party

Alyson was playing with the corn puff container and she shook it so hard (she was working on it for a while) the lid popped open! The twins had an instant party on the floor. We thought they were so quiet and they were obviously very busy stuffing the snack in their mouth. They are normally up to something when they are quiet - like, pulling tissues out of the box or raking dirt off the plant.

Friday, January 16, 2009


This is how Aly would march if she were to join the military

Aly giving Noah the grand tour of kitchen

Hey, don't steal my food!

Mommy is so glad it's Friday today! I get Monday off from work for MLK Jr. day. I get to sleep in (7:30 am is sleeping in for me) for three straight days! How cool is that.

Miss Alyson refused to nap in the afternoon but she's full of energy still. She hasn't slept for straight seven hours but she keeps going like she'd just woken up for the day. Noah's been really busy ever since he found out he can get to places. He goes to the kitchen, checks things out, pats the fridge, licks the floor and moves on to the dining room to tear some plastic off the chair.

Sean's been pretty good lately. He'd peed in the potty yesterday at the daycare. He's been eating really well, too, all by himself. We love him even more when he is behaving. I am hoping we are finally starting to see the end of terrible two. Well, I know it's not that easy and should expect more screaming sessions, but at least for the past few days our ears and nerves are getting some rests!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No Time to Sit Still

I am liking your silly voice, Mommy!

Aly loves the activity table the twins got from her Nana and Pinky.
So does Noah!

I thought maybe my camera has gone bad. Lately all the babies' photos are blurry. But of course, it's because they now are in constant motion. They used to stare at the camera and looked at the light flashing, but now that is so yesterday to them. It is getting nearly impossible to take sharp images of them with my little Sony. Woo, I love those fancy big professional style digital cameras, hint hint you know who for my Birthday, Mother's Day or happy delivery day (for the new baby -- if I could make that a special interest day for my effort).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to the swing of things

This is how Daddy looks when he's watching a boring football game.
Miss Alyson is raiding the kitchen for good time.

I can move now, Mommy!

Now that the Holidays are over and everyone's back to where they came from, things are starting to get back to normal in the Campbell household. Normal in a way that is normal to us which probably is way too crazy for the rest of the world!

Noah's been crawling for about a couple of weeks now and he's so proud of his new skill. He's so confident, he is already trying to pull up to standing. He does get frustrated though because he still cannot push up with his legs. In the meantime, he's been power-training his legs with his jumper with fierce force.

Aly's into everything! She started to open kitchen coverts, which Sean didn't do for quite some time and she's pulled out quite a few things out. She was working on pulling out my ceramic baker sets and we almost lost the set. We have to block off the kitchen area again. We feel like we had just taken it down recently.

Sean's been a fighter, literally, and has been fighting Mike and I, with his own emotions and of course with Miss Alyson. Sean and Alyson are similar in some ways and when they fight, it's not pretty. We are continuing to potty train him and all we can say is that we are being patient and calm about it. Every kid's different and that as long as we are providing the opportunity to learn, we are not going to worry about it. After all, who likes the pressure and being compared to others?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby #4, it's a GIRL!

Mommy is on the way to Japan! In her wildest imagination (at the Museum of Flight)

Rare moment of Noah and Alyson sitting still together.

We found out on Dec 29th that we are going to have another girl. By now we were pro at identifying the strange black and white images on the screen and were able to tell before the technician told us what the gender is.

I was hoping for a girl, so very pleased that we will have another little princess. Now, I have an excuse to buy more girl stuff. Yeah!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Where did the time go!? It's already 2009!

Happy New Year and hope everyone had a nice and cozy Christmas!
Our Christmas was what you would expect from a household with three little kids with ups and downs from overstimulations with new toys. Sean hit the jackpot because apparently, we got him a lot of presents. Noah and Alyson were very content to play with the new toys and were busy checking the boxes and wrapping paper out, too (also eating them). We had a really nice Christmas and we were pretty happy to spend the day at home.

We still had lots of snow when my Mom came from Japan on the 26th. From then on in just a several days, it melted significantly and by the time my Dad came on Jan 1, it was all gone.

We catered special boxes containing traditional Japanese New Year's cuisine called osechi from I Love Sushi. It was all so delicious and my parents, Mike and I enjoyed it a lot! Yumm!

We did lots of stuff like going to the Bellevue Botanical Garden to see the wonderful light display in the garden. We also went to the Museum of Flight in Renton and saw lots of new and classic airplanes. Sean was so excited (as well as my Dad) and was so busy looking around.

It was so nice to see my parents and for them to spend lots of time with the grand kids. Next time I will see them is when we have the baby#4 out. Lots of changes in our lives and it's all so exciting. I think this year is going to be extra special now that we will have the last (hopefully) member of the family join us officially to complete the young Campbell clan.