Friday, January 16, 2009


This is how Aly would march if she were to join the military

Aly giving Noah the grand tour of kitchen

Hey, don't steal my food!

Mommy is so glad it's Friday today! I get Monday off from work for MLK Jr. day. I get to sleep in (7:30 am is sleeping in for me) for three straight days! How cool is that.

Miss Alyson refused to nap in the afternoon but she's full of energy still. She hasn't slept for straight seven hours but she keeps going like she'd just woken up for the day. Noah's been really busy ever since he found out he can get to places. He goes to the kitchen, checks things out, pats the fridge, licks the floor and moves on to the dining room to tear some plastic off the chair.

Sean's been pretty good lately. He'd peed in the potty yesterday at the daycare. He's been eating really well, too, all by himself. We love him even more when he is behaving. I am hoping we are finally starting to see the end of terrible two. Well, I know it's not that easy and should expect more screaming sessions, but at least for the past few days our ears and nerves are getting some rests!

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