Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Milestones

Did you know rice looks good on eye lashes?

With our Nanny, Amy
Proud Noah

Noah had learned to pull up two days ago! He's been standing ever since holding on to the couch, his activity table and the end table. He just loves standing, that boy. He's also working on his 9th teeth and a little cranky.

Sean's been funny with all the chatting he does. In the morning he says "I am going to work" and he thinks his work is playing at the daycare. I suppose that is true. His job is to play and learn new things. Yesterday morning when he saw Daddy with clean shave he said "Daddy so clean, handsome!" and made Daddy's day. We are hoping with more verbal skills, he'll get the idea and logic behind going on potty as well!

Aly is a living sponge and she observes and imitates many things we do. She and Noah both wave bye-bye and clap on command. Aly also raises her arms when I say "Banzai!" and imitates chewing motion with her mouth when I am eating something. She's very curious and into a lot of things but it's fun watching her bang my baking pans on the floor etc... Noah and Aly are both cuddle bugs and they love to be carried. They are getting heavy though because I am also carrying another load in my tummy!

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