Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Where did the time go!? It's already 2009!

Happy New Year and hope everyone had a nice and cozy Christmas!
Our Christmas was what you would expect from a household with three little kids with ups and downs from overstimulations with new toys. Sean hit the jackpot because apparently, we got him a lot of presents. Noah and Alyson were very content to play with the new toys and were busy checking the boxes and wrapping paper out, too (also eating them). We had a really nice Christmas and we were pretty happy to spend the day at home.

We still had lots of snow when my Mom came from Japan on the 26th. From then on in just a several days, it melted significantly and by the time my Dad came on Jan 1, it was all gone.

We catered special boxes containing traditional Japanese New Year's cuisine called osechi from I Love Sushi. It was all so delicious and my parents, Mike and I enjoyed it a lot! Yumm!

We did lots of stuff like going to the Bellevue Botanical Garden to see the wonderful light display in the garden. We also went to the Museum of Flight in Renton and saw lots of new and classic airplanes. Sean was so excited (as well as my Dad) and was so busy looking around.

It was so nice to see my parents and for them to spend lots of time with the grand kids. Next time I will see them is when we have the baby#4 out. Lots of changes in our lives and it's all so exciting. I think this year is going to be extra special now that we will have the last (hopefully) member of the family join us officially to complete the young Campbell clan.

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