Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sean's official birthday party

Amy did a good job with decoration
Sean's little friend Brandon from his former daycare

I am happy!
Sean with his little friend Parker

Parker said he picked the present for Sean.

Aly playing with Sean's new toy
Saya finally being able to play with the balloons

She thought balloons are fun.

Our lucky new four-year-old had his official party on Saturday. It was supposed to be held on his birthday last Saturday, but the kids got sick. Amy came in to help out with the kids and decorating the living room for the occasion. Amy is really good with making the room look very festive! I handed her the two streamers, one blue and one white and she went to town with them! We put the decoration up while Sean was at Tae Kwon Do and speech therapy. When he came home, he realized that we are having a birthday party for him! He loves and loves birthday parties, especially his own. So he was super excited to get it started.

The crowd was a smaller than last year since some of our friends had schedule conflicts but our good friends and neighbors came over. We had Neal's family, Kevin's family, Yukako's family, Steve's family and Penney from work. I served meatballs, taquitos, boneless fried chicken, rice balls, chips with salsa and guacamole and cabbage salad. I did not make them, no - thanks to Trader Joe's and microwave! We got Sean a Wall-E cake (he is in love with that movie) and he was ecstatic!! When he saw the cake, the expression he had made all the (light) effort worthwhile! His face lit up when we started to sing the happy birthday song and he looked just plain happy! It's wonderful to be a four-year-old! Oh and the presents he got, he had the best day in a long time.

Aly and Noah were really good, too, although they were pretty tired by the end. After all, they skipped their nap. They were happy to see their little friends and were very busy playing. Saya napped really well in the morning and in the afternoon. She was very good.

I am glad Sean had the best birthday experience yet. I am sure he is looking forward to the next one!

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