Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Weekend and Friend's visit

Playdate with Parker
Takako and Mari with Aly and Ayase-chan

Saya enjoying water

I asked her to clap her hands and she did!

Alyson playing with a slipper
Noah being silly

Aly and Noah sitting on toy strollers

Saya, too!

We had another busy weekend filled with activities. Sat was Sean's little friend Brandon's birthday party in Bothell. The whole family went there this time because everyone was healthy. It's always nice to hang out with the Dills. Brandon turned two and he is as cute as ever. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera so could not take a photo of him... Sean had a good time, of course, because birthday parties are his kind of party. He sat right by Brandon when they pulled out the cake. Saya was being cute crawling everywhere in her miniskirt. Noah was obsessed with their new flat screen Samsung and we had to separate him from the TV as he was banging on it. Aly was following around a cute older girl named Vicky and she had a blast.

On that night, Mike and I went on a double date with the Collins to a French restaurant in downtown Bellevue. Jen is a foodie (not a fake one like me) and she knows food. I could not even pronounce some of the items on the menu and she quickly helped me from embarrassing myself further. The food and the company was excellent and we had a really good time. I pretended that I know more than I actually do and I said some funny things (as always) but I am glad that they find me amusing.
We've decided that we'll do this regularly and what a good way to chill and relax without getting bored!

Today, I finally was able to meet my Mom's old friend (she's not old), her daughter and two cute little girls. My new friend Mari lives in Redmond and she is here for two years for her husband's assignment with Boeing. Both her Mom, Takako, and Mari are very nice and we had a very good time chatting about my Mom, life here and kids. I hope to see Mari regularly and get to know her better.

I am typing this really fast partly because I had two slices of blueberry pie Mari brought and a slice of chocolate ganache. I think I am overloaded with sugar. I am going to have a blood sugar crash any minute now. It's going to be a looong afternoon...


Machelle said...

Your kids are just too darn cute!!! Can I have one???

Tired Parents said...

Yes, Machelle, you can have one!! Only if you give me one of yours! hehe