Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sinus Infection and stuff

I wish I had a better title, but that is our week this week. Saya is on the mend but now Noah is suffering from the same thing. A good thing is that he can take the right antibiotics that works from the beginning thanks to Saya who had to try two different ones before getting her third medication. Noah seems to have lower immune system than Aly or Sean. Poor thing gets sick all the time.
As for the first picture, Sean creates art-like pieces like this with unusual objects. He carefully chooses the positions and very picky about how things lay or stand. When he is done, he does not want anyone to touch it or move it. A good way to make him mad would be to knock it down, which Aly does all the time. One time, he made a bloom stand up (the hairy side down)!! I was quite amazed about that. I mean really, looked like what you see on a magic show.
And look who's gotten so big? She is going to be one next weekend!! She is our last baby and it's sad to see her graduate to a toddler hood. She is a very happy girl and we just cannot imagine life without her!


Machelle said...

woah woah woah hold the press. SHE IS GOING TO BE ONE?!?! WHAT?!?!? Already!? Where has the time gone?! I hope your kids get on the mend soon and stay that way! I am so tired of sick kids!

Holtan-Bates family said...

Seriously!!! ONE!!!! ARe you guys coming to Boise this summer??? I would love to see you and the family!!!