Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break '10

Sean spent a lot of time playing with Alyson last week. They get along much better now.
Saya was about to stand up and she is trying to climb up the stairs - oh no!

Poor Saya is sick now since Friday.

Amy braided Aly's hair and Sean was impressed and kept saying that "Aly is a princess!"

Mr. Noah looking slick!
Aly is into looking pretty these days. Very much in a princess stage. Loves her princess cup and utensils. Anything pink is "Aly's".
Noah patiently waiting for the carrot cupcake.

Aly loves to wash her hands and tries to do a lot of things by herself these days.

Spring break might be a party time for some lucky people but it means more work for people with kids in school. The week started out stressful because Sean wasn't used to the new routine, but we all learned to enjoy the extra time we have together by the end of the week. Amy had her spring break, too, so she came and helped us last week. We didn't do anything special and I actually don't remember what we did, but looks like we had a good week looking at the pictures I took. a

Sean now goes to two hours of Autism Therapy on Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 6. I have a super busy schedule on Wednesday because Sean and Noah have multiple engagements that day. The day starts out by me taking Noah to his class in Issaquah at 9:00 am. When I get home, I leave with Sean to go to the Crossroads Mall to pick up a couple of fresh croissant before going to his occupational therapy at 10:45. He fusses that he doesn't want to go see the therapist, Jessica, but he always has a good time once we get there. The OT ends at 11:45 and his speech is at 12:00 in Redmond, so I dash out in my little minivan to get there on time . He acts up when we go see Julie, the speech therapist, and sometimes screams when he sees her.

Again though he enjoys the therapy with Julie once it starts out. We come home to eat lunch around 1:00 and then off to pick up Noah from his class at 2:30 pm. I take all my other children with me, sleeping or not. I used to have to kill time with all my four children between 2:30 and 4, before Sean's Autism Therapy in Issaquah, but I got a call today from the school and they have an opening for a speech therapy at 3:00pm! That made my day. Now I can just take him straight to school after picking Noah up. I am normally flat out exhausted by the end of the day and I consider Wednesdays my double work day. I tell myself, if I can get through Wednesday, I will be ok the rest of the week. Now, Aly's going to start her preschool on Wednesdays and Fridays from the end of April, so I will have to see how I can tackle that.


Brooke said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It's nice to find others out there who are experiencing some of the same things I am. Thanks too for the book recommendation. I'll definitely be checking it out.

There's a great blog for parents with special needs call Thru the Tulips. You should take a look.

Machelle said...

You are one busy lady!! Your kids are too darn cute. Can you teach me how to braid?!