Friday, August 27, 2010

Another Busy Week

Sata at 15 months well check appointment
Min with her two boys, Derex and Adric

Saya at lunch time

Mike's friend Mike ("another Mike" according to Sean) preparing dinner for us.

Lamb with carrot and celery sauce with eggplant and sauteed vegetables

We had another busy week last week, hence delayed post. We had a playdate with Min, Vince and their boys Derex (2 1/2 yrs) and Adric (5 mos) on Saturday morning. We haven't seen them for a while, so it was really good to see them. Derex and Sean were pals from Bijay's daycare days. It was good to catch up and decided that we should meet more often!

On Friday night, Mike's friend from Boise, Mike McKoy, arrived to stay with us for a little over a week. He is here to earn certification for boat safety, something required to work on a boat as a chef. He is trying to secure a position as a chef on a French-American scientific research boat, which sounds like a great fit for him. He worked with a master chef in France for a while. He offered to cook for a few nights and we enjoyed his food very much. The lamb dish he made in particular was delicious and even Noah liked the sauce, which is a big deal! I have to ask him to teach me. He will fly back to Boise on Tuesday.

On Saturday afternoon, we went to Charlie and Finn's 3rd birthday party. They had it at My Gym, our familiar locale and it was a blast! I forgot to take the camera and I don't have any photos, but the twins were so cute! The same teacher from when Aly was attending the class while back was facilitating the activities and the kids were entertained the whole time. They were never bored and all four kids had a blast. Turns out we have a mutual friend and Sean was so happy to see his other friend (he calls him "big Noah") there, too. Liz and Tom made sure that our GFCF kids can eat cakes, too, and had a pastry chef bake GFCF cupcakes identical to the regular cupcakes. It was so nice of them to do that and they were delicious! Thanks Tom and Liz!

Hmmm... what else did we do? Oh, on Tuesday, Noah had his first dentist appointment. He wasn't a fan and the dentist and I pinned him down while he was kicking and screaming, but we got what we needed done. He's been so fussy lately and seems to be teething for a while, so I wanted to make sure everything in there is ok. The dentist said the teething process for one tooth can take up to a month and I did not want to hear that! He's only working on one molar in the top back and hasn't even started on the other side. He will be miserable for the next few months...

Miss Saya had her 15 months well check last Friday, too. She was 23 pounds and 34 inches. She is long and skinny. She just turned 16 month old two days ago and it is so hard to believe my baby is going to be a year and half in two months! I enjoy watching her waddling around falling occasionally. I don't put socks on her at home to avoid slipping and she makes this cute noises with her feet when walking around on hard surfaced floors. She is just adorable and I cannot get enough of her. Aly and Saya began to play together more and it's so cute to see two girls giggling together. I love having four kids!!

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