Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Like Daddy

Sean being silly and he looks pretty funny. I can't get over his eye brows and expression on Saya's face!
I asked him to turn around so that I can take a picture of the new backpack.

Alyson watching a Japanese TV show. Not sure if she understands what they are talking about but she sure looked serious.

Amy braded her hair today.

I wanted to write the funny things Sean does these days.
Sean and Parker were playing downstairs yesterday and noticed that they were lining up chairs. I asked them what they are doing and they told me that they are having a big business meeting. Parker had a toy cell phone and when it rang, he answered it and said in a very subdued serious voice "no, I can't play now. I have a huge business meeting." and hang up. Later, Sean picked up a tin can and said that is his business. When he lost it, he was looking around saying "where did my business go?" They are a funny duo.
Sean has been super excited about his new school gear I got him yesterday. He's been carrying it around and insisted on taking them to bed again tonight and even to bathrooms. When I turn around he's wearing the backpack on his little shoulders. He did end up taking them to his afternoon therapy today, even the lunch bag, although nothing was inside. I did not know he would be this excited! But then, this is very familiar because Mike is like him. I remember one time he was wearing a new swimming cap, a google and swim pants at home on the day he bought them. It's funny how things are all connected.

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