Thursday, January 26, 2012

Christmas 2011

So finally, I am getting to Christmas! 
My Mom arrived from Japan on the eve and that put me in the Christmas mood.  She is like Santa Clause with her suitcase full of presents and my favorite foods from Japan.  Kids were super excited to see her because it means they'll be well taken care of while she is here. Of course, the presents don't hurt!

Sean and Alyson get how things go on Christmas day.  Sean woke up first and found the stockings filled with presents inside.  He was good about waiting until everyone woke up.   We had our kids get dressed and eat their breakfast before opening presents.  Needless to say, the breakfast was a piece of cake~

We didn't go overboard with presents this year.  Each kids got two toys and small things here and there.  Sean received a moon wall light and rocket toys, Aly got lolaloopsy doll and Hello Kitty Squinkie, Noah got a wooden puzzle and rock climbing shoes, and Saya received lolaloopsy doll and Anpanman juice vending machine toy.  Grandma gave them special toys from Japan and they all started to play with them immediately.   Mike bought me a pressure cooker I've wanted for ages and I got him a bike t-shirt and slippers.  I am glad we decided to do it low key this year.  It had worked out quite nicey - no melt downs from over-stimulation!

The Christmas has such a long build up, but then it's gone in an instance.  I enjoyed this Holiday season even more than last year since the children were more excited and intrigued by the traditions of Christmas.  We will see what next year brings.  Who knows, Noah might be more involved next year!

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