Monday, January 30, 2012

Highlights from my Mom's visit

Always standing in the kitchen making food for us come meal time.

Taking the seeds out of cherries for the girls.

Reading with the girls.

Gets to sit in the best seat in the van, sandwiched by the boys car seats.

Some of my Mom's friends think my Mom comes to the U.S. for a vacation, but she comes to work when she visits us.  She takes control of our chores and keeps going like an energizer bunny all day long.  She cooks, cleans, teach reading and writing to kids, does laundry, the list goes on.  I don't know where she gets the energy, but I think I know now.  It comes from her heart, wanting to help her daughter out when she can.  Thanks, Mom for all you do!  I am hoping I will be just as youthful as you are when I am a grandmother and help my children when they need me! 

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