Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Noah's Ginger Bread Party at School

Noah looks uninterested, but he had fun touching icing, gooey mashmallows etc...

Noah playing puzzles with friends.  Ms. Sharon on the left.
This is another missed December post as well.  Boy, what a back log!
In the last week of school before Holiday break, Noah's preschool class at Phantom Lake had a gingerbread decoration party.  I had gone to all the parties Sean's class had in preschool and I have not been thorough with Noah's class events, mainly because I am having hard time juggling children's different schedules.  Life sure was simpler when the twins didn't have school. 

It was good to see that Noah was perfectly comfortable with his teachers and friends and was somewhat following the flow of the class.  In the end, he needs to learn to function in the classroom setting and I think he is doing a much better job than last year.  He was interested in eating the gingerbread than decorating it, but he was not the only one!  Most parents came for their child and most of us were quite busy helping the youngster decorate their gingerbread house. 

After the party, I observed what Noah does during the choice time.  He went straight to the puzzle area and played with the puzzles.  He is getting very skillful with puzzles and his educators agree.  His aid, Sharon, has a high school aged son who has severe Autism.  She came to me and said she thinks Noah is going to be fine.   She believes he is very smart and has a lot of potential.  Hearing it from experienced Mom and special education aid made me feel assuring and I was happy that there are some people out there that see beyond his obvious delays. 

Noah turely is changing a lot in the past four months or so and I have a feeling that we are going to see a big change by the time he turns five.  I was happy to see Noah in his school environment and came out feeling good about my little man and his future!

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