Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thank you Salmon~

Thank you salmon again for making me realize my life is pretty sweet compared to yours.  Of course, I just see you dead at the market or at the last bit of your arduous journey upstream covered with cuts and scrapes.  You may think your life is sweeter than mine because you lead a clear life with a single purpose, not clouded by millions of thoughts and choices us humans make everyday.  The lonely ocean in our mind is a second home to you, and I am sure you have seen the most beautiful sights we have yet to see.  As I watched you push forward with the last strength left in your body, I thought of my own and found my backbone as strong as yours.  So, at least for now, I will not complain and wish for what I don't have.  I will move forward like you with eyes focused to see my true purpose in life.  Thank you, Salmon. Looking you down from the bridge at this time of the year always gives me the best splash to clear my head! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Lucky Kids

Growing up, I've never had or seen anyone who has a playroom filled with toys like we do.  I remember I had a tin box smaller than a milk crate and it contained all my toys in there.  I spread out my handkerchief as "carpet" and put my toy furniture on it.  I had fun playing with my basic toys and my ability to extend the play beyond what's in front of me sprouted and grew.  My cousins and I used to play "phone service game" where we wrote a list of phone numbers on a sheet of paper and "called" each other, pretending our favorite cartoon character answered it.  We made up fun stories about what Hello Kitty was doing when the other called her etc... Our imagination was so vivid, I can still remember the color of the vision I had when playing (of course, it's often pink).  My cousin, Sachiko, told me a few years ago how much she enjoyed our little trips to "coffee jello land".  We used to hold hands in line in front of the bathroom sink and closed our eyes to travel to all sorts of places - we could go anywhere that way and it was very exciting.

I was going to write how lucky my kids are to have a playroom filled with their favorite things, but now I wonder if they really are.  Toys for playing restaurant, train sets, a big doll house with three floors, a market stand with display shelves... all things are provided for them.  But children are creature of imagination.  Our children for having their condition play uniquely than others.  They don't play the way the toys are designed for so they say, so in a sense they are using their own mind to explore the world beyond.  One thing our kids are surely good at is not getting bored with their play things.  The cups for stacking would become boats for little play figures, a giant hat, a cracked eggshell, I find them playing happily with them day after day.  So, yes I would say they are lucky - to have a big space to make a mess and let their imagination run wild~!  After all, you are kids only once (or twice if you are a male).

Friday, September 21, 2012

Best Chinese Food Ever!

It's funny how little kids can self-boast effortlessly without sounding annoying.  Sean would say "I am pretty awesome!" and gives me a happy enthusiastic smile as clean as fresh sheets.  Saya would twirl in her pink tutu and tells me how cute she is.  It's a good thing at some point before reaching adulthood, we learn to restrain ourselves from uttering those kind words to self (although I see more people embarrassingly crossing the line thanks to YouTube). 

I let Sean and Saya "cook" the dinner last night since they looked bored and started to fight.  The menu of the night was Mabo Tofu (Chinese style tofu dish) and cooked spinach.  They uncomfortably crammed themselves together on the step ladder (they both didn't want to give up their spot) and cooked the meat and put the veggies in the pot.  I've served this dish before to Sean but he turned up his nose and wouldn't even let it sit on his plate.  Well, after finishing, he sat at the table and to my surprise, he dug right in and exclaimed "Mmmmm, this is the best Chinese food ever!"  It had lots of peas in it and he usually has the hardest time eating those little green suckers, but he didn't even take a second look.  Mike and I played along and told him he made the best Mabo Tofu we've ever had and he'd earned another "awesomeness" to his growing innocent ego.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Nana's birthday dinner

I am bummed it turned out out of focus, but there is Nana with her cake!

Sean showing Nana his Lego creations.

We celebrated Nana's birthday the weekend before the school started.  Mike took her to a nice steak lunch in downtown Bellevue on Saturday and had a surprise Labor Day dinner which turned her birthday dinner on Monday.  She and the kids had no idea we had a cake for her at the end of dinner.  I had a table full of people with a big smile on their face when I brought out a pretty strawberry ice cream cake with candles lit.  I am glad she had a nice birthday!  Happy Birthday, Nana!  Glad you live close now to be able to spend every Holiday and birthday with you.

Also, Happy 60th to Shasha in Lewiston, another amazing woman in our lives!

Start of School

The Preparation: trying to stay prepared for the morning maddness, but it's still chaotic!

Sean at his first day!

He was waving bye-bye to me and actually ran back and gave me a hug.

Noah with the para-educator.  She used to be in Sean's classroom two years ago.
The boys started their new school year on Sept 4 last week.  Sean was downright nervous about becoming a first grader, but had started to brace his destiny four days before the start date.  He told us how he is excited and Mike and I felt it is going to be ok after all. 

Sean's new teacher is Ms. Lowey.  She is energetic, positive and organized, so that is good.  I've heard that she is very accommodating to individual uniqueness, so that is an another big plus.  Sean has been happy and seems more chatty around people during pick up time.  He is telling me more about what he did at school that day and we are thrilled to finally able to have a more typical dinner time conversation and learn about his day.

Noah (also Sean) got a hair cut and surprised everyone at school with his new big boy hairstyle.  He knew where to go and as soon as I said bye to him, he turned the other way and left.  He loves his school.  His new teacher is Ms. Christina.  Now that he is in his second year, he looks big compared to the new comers.  I saw him walking to his classroom in a line and he was the tallest one.  My little Noah is growing up and he is doing so much better. 

We are proud of our boys and excited to see them learn and make new friends!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sean Loses His First Tooth!

My big boy reluctantly lost his tooth today.  The first to go was one of the front tooth on the bottom.  It has been hanging in there and was laying sideways at times for the past few days.  Yet, Sean refused to have it pulled out.  "I like it and want to keep it forever," he said.  Fearing he might lose it at school (starting tomorrow) and for it to be the possible cause of panic disaster in the first week, Mike spent 30 minutes with him in the bathroom today and convinced him to have it pulled out.  It was very sweet of Mike to spend long enough time for him to be somewhat comfortable with the idea.  It was all happening in the closed bathroom and I heard some screaming and banging against the door and cabinets.  When things turned quieter, I opened the door and asked if the deed has been done.  Sean was red-eyed and covering his mouth.  His tooth looked so little on the folded tissue.  He said he didn't want to show it to anyone, but he was proud of it by the end of the day today.  We decided the tooth fairy will not visit him as the thought of a tiny human-like creature with wings coming to his bed at night might scare him.  My big boy, Sean, is growing up so fast.  He is officially a first grader tomorrow and he looks more like his part with big toothless smile!