Monday, September 3, 2012

Sean Loses His First Tooth!

My big boy reluctantly lost his tooth today.  The first to go was one of the front tooth on the bottom.  It has been hanging in there and was laying sideways at times for the past few days.  Yet, Sean refused to have it pulled out.  "I like it and want to keep it forever," he said.  Fearing he might lose it at school (starting tomorrow) and for it to be the possible cause of panic disaster in the first week, Mike spent 30 minutes with him in the bathroom today and convinced him to have it pulled out.  It was very sweet of Mike to spend long enough time for him to be somewhat comfortable with the idea.  It was all happening in the closed bathroom and I heard some screaming and banging against the door and cabinets.  When things turned quieter, I opened the door and asked if the deed has been done.  Sean was red-eyed and covering his mouth.  His tooth looked so little on the folded tissue.  He said he didn't want to show it to anyone, but he was proud of it by the end of the day today.  We decided the tooth fairy will not visit him as the thought of a tiny human-like creature with wings coming to his bed at night might scare him.  My big boy, Sean, is growing up so fast.  He is officially a first grader tomorrow and he looks more like his part with big toothless smile! 

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