Monday, July 22, 2013

Blueberry Picking

We had fun picking some blueberries at the farm near our house the other day.  We drive by the farm everyday and I was looking for the perfect time to visit it.  I noticed some flocks of people lining up to have the blueberries in the bucket weighed and knew that the time was right.  My friend and her kids met us there when they opened at 10:00 am.  I couldn't take Noah, so we went while he is in therapy.  Someday I will take you, Noah, when you learn not to run off like you do! 

Sean really likes to pick blueberries.  The girls were into it for about 30 minutes and perhaps because their shiny flat shoes got soaking wet, they weren't that willing thereafter.  Our little friends and their Mom picked a lot more than us and I know they are going to make something yummy out of them since my friend is an excellent baker!  I wish I were an excellent baker like her! 

We had about one and half pound of blueberries at the end.  The girls eat them for dessert after every meal and they ate them all in two days.  I am just bearing myself for the blue stuff they'll drop off in the toilet.  Sorry it's kind of gross, but they really do make a different type after eating a bunch of blueberries.  Girls aren't all about something sparkly and sweet :-)

We will keep up the annual tradition as long as the kids are willing - hopefully for a long time!

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