Monday, October 7, 2013

5k Race and Meeting Mariner's Star Player

Great sense of balance and strength!

I bet if I pushed him he wouldn't lose his balance!

The big kids got advice from Iwakuma on their form!

Sean was more excited than nervous before the race!

He had fun throwing the cup away on the road.
Hi Everyone!
The sun is trying to come through the clouds, but it loos like weather is going to be rainy today.  The weekend was so beautiful, I will not complain!

Sunday was another exciting day.  Sean and I ran a 5k race in Issaquah called "Run with Fishes" which Mike and I ran together last year.  Mike injured his hips a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to register Sean instead.  Sean was nervous and excited at the same time.  We left home a little late and arrived there about 10 minutes before the start.  I had to find the booth for getting the bibs and microchip for the race, put them on both of us, and pee for the last time.  By then, Sean was panicking saying we are going to miss the race, but I made it out of the bathroom just in time (30 seconds before the start time). 

It was my first race in a year and first time running with my son.  He wanted to dart ahead the first thing, but I told him he will get tired later.  We had a pretty relaxing run.  Running with Daddy is probably more challenging for him since he runs much faster than me.  Sean was getting too hot since he didn't want to take layers of shirts he was wearing.  His cheeks were very red and I knew that I shouldn't push him harder.  He didn't walk though and the only time he slowed down was when he drank his water.  He enjoyed throwing the cup on the road afterwards.  We sprinted towards the end and we made it in 39 minutes.  He did much better at the trail run with Daddy, but we had fun together anyway. 

When we got home, Daddy went to buy ingredients for dinner since he was cooking that night.  He cooks amazing meal that guy.  He watches lots of Food Network shows and he has sophisticated sense of taste.  I showered quickly and got ready to take little Saya to an event at her Japanese school.  I was very excited for this one as well since it involved meeting the celebrity baseball player from Mariner's team.  Saya and I had an opportunity to exercise with Mariner's pitcher, Iwakuma, in the afternoon. 

When we walked into the event hall he was just walking in.  He is a tall 6'3" man with very straight posture.  He was smiley and very friendly.  He and his trainer showed us how he warms up before the game and we had lots of fun.  He seemed very relaxed and looked like a down to earth regular guy.  We gave him high fives and his palm was all muscle!  It was very thick and there was no bony part!  The little kids in Saya's group got to ask some questions to him and one boy enthusiastically raised his hand and exclaimed "Milk!"  We all laughed about it since what he really wanted to say was "Do you drink lots of Milk?"  Then our girl Saya raised her hand and she shouted "green!!"  She wanted to ask him what color he likes and instead she told him what color she thinks he likes.  It was so cute and we laughed for the second time.  Then another boy after her also shouted "green!" again in an apparent case of sudden blankness and it was so darn cute! 

I am a fan of him now since he was so nice and friendly.  I cannot imagine Ichiro being so approachable like Iwakuma and I appreciated his good heartedness.  I looked him up on the Internet later and found out he is married and has three children.  Of course, he has a gorgeous wife (but managed to cheat on her a few years ago)!   I will be paying more attention to Mariner's game next year and maybe go to a game or two.  I must try their garlic fries when I do go.

Nana came over for dinner and we had a nice evening together.  Mike's roasted chicken and green beans were superb, better than what I would have made.  Nice Sunday indeed!

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