Friday, October 4, 2013

Alyson Loses Her First Tooth!

Sean makes interesting looking things with his legos.

Our big girl, Aly, had been so excited since yesterday that one of her front bottom tooth is wiggly.  She was showing everyone in the house how her tooth moves and that she is going to be losing it soon.  Based on how long it took Sean's tooth to come off from the wiggling stage, I told her it will be a while before it would actually come off.  Well, I was wrong!  It came right off during dinner time as she was showing Sean how it wiggles.  She was so elated, she looked like she won a lottery!  It was so cute to see her jumping up and down with excitement.  I am always amazed how little their baby tooth is.  They were the precious little tooth that grew in their drooly little mouth when they were babies.  Sigh... they are growing up so fast and it just seems like yesterday they finished collecting all their teeth.  Sean looked happy, too, that his sister joined the toothless smile club.  He is still working on filling the top front tooth he lost over the summer.  

I am seeing her as a big kid now that she is in school and doing things in school like writing a journal and having homework.  She is much easier than Sean when it comes to doing school work since she loves doing her homework.  When I say, "Ok, kids let's do homework," Aly would happily sit and start working immediately where as Sean would grunt and complain why he would have to.  I am proud of her for having such a great attitude towards studies.  Sean is getting better at school and I see more completed works returning home in his backpack.  He is easily distracted and that is hindering him from doing the best job he can.  I understand where he is coming from since I was a big daydreamer myself.  I explained the feeling I often had in my childhood to my psychologist as "trying to run in water chest deep".  I felt like I was working so hard to move forward, but I couldn't advance fast. 

It's getting cold here in the Pacific Northwest, but we had a pleasant sunny day today.  Good thing because we had a walkathon at Aly and Sean's school today.  I volunteered to do the set up and hand out fruit snacks at the stand.  Sean and Aly were very happy to see me there.  Little Saya came along and she helped me open boxes and carry some items to the table.  She was a great help.  I packed her a lunch box since it was during lunch time, so she sat on a picnic mat and ate her sandwich looking at the elementary kids walking by.  She was very good and everyone commented how well behaved she was.  She has been particularly funny and cute these days.  Her ultimate goal at the moment is to become a pretty maiden.  She must have gotten that from her books and princess DVDs.  All I have to say to her when she is misbehaving is that "oh, pretty maidens don't do such things" and she stops.  Life is pretty simple when you are just four.

Noah is in a short sleep phase at the moment and I hope he starts sleeping better soon!  I don't know why he would want to stay up until 11 pm when we put him to bed before 8 pm!  He occasionally goes through this phase and it's no fun when that happens.  So far so good tonight, although I found him lying right by his door on the carpet.  I had to carry him back to his bed and hopefully he stays there until the morning!

Good night!

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