Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Saya is starting to enjoy her gymnastics class.  She has a little friend who is Japanese in the same class and we have a playdate together afterwards, too, which might contribute to her liking it.  She can do different styles of front rolls now and can hang from the bar with straight legs.  She talks a lot during the class, too, and it's good to see her interact with the teacher and her classmates.  She didn't want to buy the gymnastic suit, so she wears a dance leotard with a skirt.  Now Aly wants to try gymnastics, too, so I put her on a waiting list.  Saya is getting lucky because she is the only one left at home.  I have more time to take her to lessons in the morning and we go out shopping together often.  She is like my purse.  She comes with me everywhere I go, even when I volunteer at school.  She likes coming to my Chiropractic appointment and get a candy at the front desk  She sits on my back while I lay down during the adjustment session.  Everyone loves her and thinks she is the cutest thing ever.  Well, of course she is!  

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