Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sean and Mommy Date in Seattle

A plaza in International District - Some Chinese elderlies were playing ping pong.

Colombia Center - still Sean's favorite building in Seattle.

A necessary skywalk bridge between two government buildings.

Very modern and sleek fire station!

Football stadium on the far left and King Station with its clock tower.  We turned the corner to the right to go to the Colombia Center.

Sean was waiting for Mommy to come in to the photo.

Self-timer attempt!  We tried it several times but this one shows most of me. 

The weekend started out with a crazy windstorm which made me worried for the first time since we moved here that one of our trees are going to fall.  The wind was stirring the tall Pine and Douglas Fir, bending their giant trunks further than my comfort level.  Mike and the three kids left for lunch with Nana around 11:30 am and I heard a large thump soon after.  I thought one of my kids' plaything got blown away on the deck, but it was a very large brunch falling from one of our big trees.  It missed the roof but hit the fence.  I went outside to pull it off the fence but it was so huge and heavy, I couldn't do it.  I soon realized I shouldn't be out there since the wind was still going strong, so I ran inside before something else fall on me.  It blew and blew pretty much all day and it finally stopped by late afternoon.  The entire city is a big mess and it will take some time to clean it all up.  Our Japanese Maple in the front lost all its leaves in one day!  It was just starting to turn orange and I was looking forward to taking pictures of the glorious annual display of bright fall colors.  No lost power in our area and we could have easily with a storm like that.  We got lucky this time!

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day, so I decided to do a mini Sean and Mommy day in the city since it has been a while since we spent some alone time together.  Sean was so excited, he ate his lunch very fast.  Sean wanted to go see the Colombia Center, so we parked the car at International District and walked.  I could have driven there since there were plenty of street parking nearby.  There was a football game in Century Link which is right by the International District, but Colombia Center was about 15 minutes away from where we parked.  We had a nice walk looking at the buildings and scenery.  We saw some interesting architectures and took some pictures.  Maybe he got it from me.  I like looking at the designs of buildings.  I like looking at things that reflect the era of when it was created.  I can picture the time when it was brand new and what people might have dressed or looked like then walking in and out of the building.  We talked about the details on the buildings and what he thought about it.  I discovered that he and I are in agreement in a lot of things! 

We stopped by at one of my favorite places in Seattle, Panama Hotel.  I wanted to show Sean the display of the items Japanese Americans left at the basement of the hotel when they were forced to leave their home for Internment Camps during WWII.  I don't know if he understood, but he got a brief history lesson on WWII and how it impacted Japanese Americans living in the West Cost.  He had a lot of questions and it was great to show him something tangible, a piece of history, to visually explain the aftermath.  We will have more in depth lesson of WWII when we visit the Museum of Flight next time.  We then went to Uwajimaya's food court and had some cakes.  I have been on a diet for a while so I gobbled it up like a drug addict.   It's ok to cheat once in a while!  We went home after doing some shopping at the grocery store.  We had tons of fun in the city.  Oh, and Seahawks won again!   We heard the happy roar of spectators from the stadium it put us in a good mood.  I am looking forward to doing it again soon.  I love him so much.

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