Friday, August 15, 2014

Lesson About Soup

Saya was eating a bowl of soup and rice the other night.  She wanted to scoop up just the broth with her spoon and pour it in the bowl with rice, but the stewed veggies and chicken pieces kept slipping into the spoon.  She was frustrated.  She tried again and again but the veggies and chicken would not stay away.  Saya started to kick her legs and whine.  Someone needs to solve her problem!  She knew who could rescue her and all the fussing was kind of directed to that person: Me, Mama!  I lifted the soup bowl and slowly poured broth only to her bowl with rice.  She carefully watched to make sure no veggies or chicken would slide in.  They didn't.  She didn't look happy after I saved her from the soupy crisis.  She had a look of disappointment and realization.  I asked her what she was thinking about and this is what she told me.

"My idea was to scoop the soup with my spoon and that didn't work.  You had a better idea than me to pour it from the bowl.  My idea was not a good one.  Mama, why is your idea always right?"  She is only five years old and looked so little and innocent in her adult sized dining chair.  I smiled and replied, "it's because Mama has been living much much longer than you and I experienced many things, so I know a lot more than you".  She understood me but seemed sad that she is still little.  I assured her that she will learn many things as she grows up and become a smart young lady someday. 

I totally understand her slight sadness about where she stands in life.  When I was five I realized also how tiny I am and that made me feel sad also.  I saw a picture of earth surrounded by dark space with stars and came to a realization that if my favorite thing to do is going to a restaurant with my Mom and Dad and in truth the restaurant is a tiny dot on earth and the earth is surrounded by darkness, it is such a lonely thing to do.  I don't know how it reminded me of the feeling I had when I was five but her look told me she was having the similar moment as I did.  It was a pure moment I felt like a mother and I am here to teach her important skills in life.  Thanks, Saya, for a feel good moment.  You are just so adorable!

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