Friday, August 29, 2014

Who is this boy?

Sean is eight and half and although he is skinny, his bones are big like Daddy's.  I was a skinny girl, too, but had a wee tiny bones that my Mom used to worry I would break by carrying heavy things.  For the record, I have never ever broke any bones even when I fell hard!   One day I felt Sean's chest and noticed that it had gotten much thicker than I remembered.  He flexes his skinny arms to show off his guns and there is hardly any visible swell at all, but I know pretty soon he is going to change.  He is Daddy's son.  I am pretty sure he is going to be a muscular man.  Mike and I are just so different physically in many ways - tall and short, light and dark, muscular and small, loud and quiet, hairy and non-hairy, full on Caucasian face and Asian face... you never know which path our children are going to take. 

The other day, Sean and I played a little game called "time machine game" which Sean invented.  The story was that Sean had a time machine and he could travel back in time and be in my life in the time he chose.  First he entered the year 2005.  It went like this:

Time Warped Sean:      Hello?  Is anyone there?
Mom in 2005:     Hello?  Can I help you?  Where did you come from?  How did you get in?
Time Warped Sean:      I just used  my time machine to come here.  I am Sean.
 Mom in 2005:       Hmmm. Ok, Sean.  Where do you live?  Where is your Mom and Dad?
 Time Warped Sean:    You are my Mom.  I am your son!  Really!
 Mom in 2005:    But I don't have a son. 
 Time Warped Sean:  I know, but you are going to have me next year!  I came from the future, 2014.  We live in Bellevue.
 Mom in 2005:  Hmm... ok I think I need to make a phone call (leaves room to call the police).

Time warped Sean leaves to avoid police.

2006 version went like this:

Timer Warped Sean:     Hi Mom, it's me Sean.
Mom in 2006:     Who are you?
Time Warped Sean:     I said I am Sean!  I am your son.
Mom in 2006:     My baby is right here.  This is my Sean.
Time Warped Sean:   Yes, I know.  That's me as a baby.  I am 8 years old now.  I came from the future. I used the time machine.
Mom in 2006:     That doesn't make sense... but you are a handsome boy like this cute little guy here.   Let me take a look at you closer. (a long pause)  Oh my goodness!!  It is you!  Sean you are so handsome! 

It was fun to play along and got me thinking at the same time that how much I would have appreciated if he did show up in my past.  In particular when he was three or four, during the uncertain times of dealing with the spectrum diagnosis, if older and perfectly verbal Sean pops up and tells me "Mom, I am going to be OK," that would send me to the moon!  It highlighted how far he has come and how both of us have grown stronger to deal with and find solutions to any hardships that comes our way. 

I love you Sean so very much.  You are really an amazing person and I feel very lucky to be your Mommy!

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