Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Look at us already in the month of July!  June went by so quickly since the kids had school until the last week.  Noah's summer program will start on July 6 and we are excited for him to have a school routine he craves.  Let's hope he adjust quickly to the new program and the teacher and the para educators are the same high quality as his regular school year staff.  It is with a sheer luck that we live in an area with a great education system, even for the special education department.  Most of the teachers' I met here are very professional and good at what they do.  To be able to trust Noah's teachers so far has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.  Someone who understands his needs and eagerly willing to work with me to make sure the learning continues at home.  I feel very fortunate every school year to work with the school and we both are on the same page!

Today was July 4th.  We had Jan over for dinner with yummy food.  Mike made an amazing barbecue ribs.  It was so good that I had two servings!  I made a big plate of beef enchiladas, authentic version from my days in Durango, Mexico.  I really regret that I didn't write down the recipes the families I knew in Mexico used because that is the flavor I want to duplicate.  I am having a hard time pin pointing, but I think I did a decent job.  I put chocolate in the sauce, kind of like in Mole.  The chocolate adds sweetness and creaminess to the sauce and it is just so delicious!  I was going to make deviled eggs, but I ran out of time.  I roasted zucchinis with lemon butter and they turned out pretty well.  Mike's rib though... I have to ask him to make it again sometime!!

The girls helped me make some cupcakes in the morning.  They did a lot on their own for the first time and I can see ourselves being baking buddies more often now.  They cracked the eggs, added ingredients to the bowl, and put the batter into the cupcake tins.  They did a very good job!  They were waiting for the cakes to bake right in front of the oven and it was so cute!  Soon, Noah joined and they sat in front of the oven looking inside.  The girls decorated the cupcakes with blue sprinkles and strawberries later on a white whipped cream.  Noah really enjoyed it and I am not exactly sure how many he ate! 

We watched some TV and basically lounged around all afternoon.  I was so tired from the beer and wine I had and was ready to fall asleep.  The three kids wanted to go see the fireworks though so I decided to take them to the downtown park.  Aly ended up not going because she was naughty, so I took Saya and Sean.  We found a spot at the park and Sean started to act nervous.  He thought it was going to be so loud and hurt his ears.  He took Mike's noise muffling headphones to make sure it won't hurt him too much.  I don't have problems with noises, but I know some Asperger people have noise sensitivity.  Saya asked me to put a ear plugs on, so I put them in her ears.  It was her first time, so she wasn't sure how it is going to be. 

Sean did just fine though.  Soon he forgot all about it when the show started.  It was beautiful!  Bellevue must have one of the longest shows around.  It was one after another for nearly 30 minutes.  Fireworks remind me of summer in Japan as my family and I went to see many shows during summer.  I used to know the differences in styles between American and Japanese firework shows, but I can't recall anymore.  Hopefully, I can see some of them in Japan when I visit next week.  Yes, in four days, the girls and I will be in Japan for three weeks!! Yippee!!  I have to start packing and make sure I am ready by Wednesday.  I am excited but worried about the boys I leave behind in the U.S. with Mike.  I know they will have a fabulous time together but I hope they won't miss me too much!  (I am sure they will have a relaxed guy time without the nagging Mom...)

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