Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby #4, it's a GIRL!

Mommy is on the way to Japan! In her wildest imagination (at the Museum of Flight)

Rare moment of Noah and Alyson sitting still together.

We found out on Dec 29th that we are going to have another girl. By now we were pro at identifying the strange black and white images on the screen and were able to tell before the technician told us what the gender is.

I was hoping for a girl, so very pleased that we will have another little princess. Now, I have an excuse to buy more girl stuff. Yeah!!


Holtan-Bates family said...

Congratulations!!!! What a great addition to your family she will be.

Machelle said...

Congrats on the baby girl!!!

Zita said...

Amiga! how cool! a baby girl!! you'll have 2 of each!! wooohoohoooo!!!