Sunday, October 18, 2009

After School Play and Flight Museum

Sean with a bat hat he made at school
He wore it all afternoon and was proud of it!

Noah at the front door with pumpkins

Where are you flying to? -- at the flight museum

Noah boarded the plane, too!

Simulating the trip to Minneapolis

Aly and Sean on a helicopter

Aly on a kiddie plane

Checking out the displays

Sean the astronaut

Daddy, I had so much fun!

Last week was a fairly good week, much much better than what we expected. Sean had adopted to the new schedule, routine and environment pretty smoothly. I think the school program that he goes to is an excellent one and they really made the transition easy for him. The teacher called on Thursday and said that he had peed twice in the toilet, too, so we are very happy about that. Lunch is an issue as expected, but he is not starving so I will not worry about it. I pack him a lunch box every morning, but he only takes few bites out of them. The teacher said that he eats lots of snacks at the snack time, so that is when he's filling up.
Today, we took the kids to the Flight Museum in Renton. We wanted Sean to be comfortable in and around planes because Sean and Mike are going to Minneapolis in Nov to visit Grandma Pinky and Nana. We went to the museum when Jiji and Grandma were here last winter. This time, Sean was more interested in the display and enjoyed the kiddie area of the museum. There is a life-size plane on display which you can go inside and Sean was very excited to "board" the plane. He sat with Alyon and Daddy and was repeating "Sean's riding a plane!"
Whenever we let the kids walk around freely, we really have to keep them in our sight because they easily go off the radar. It can be scary especially when there are a lot of people. At the pumpkin patch the other day, we momentarily lost Alyson and she was found walking around the parking lot! When Saya joins the walker's club next year, things will be very interesting.

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