Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Day of School

Waiting for school bus outside
Daddy explaining that we'll see him after school

Sean getting upset on the school bus

Sean panicking!!

Monday was Sean's first day of school. We have been prepping him emotionally going to school but we expected that the first day still would be uneasy for him. Daddy took Sean on last Thursday to meet the teacher (Miss Nia and Miss Sarah) and tour around the school and he seemed to like the idea. So, we were hopeful that he will have a good time at school.
While waiting for the school bus, he was talking about the school bus, asking where it is. It also was a garbage day so we heard many loud noises of the garbage trucks in the neighborhood and when the time was getting near, he started to get anxious. When the bus came, he was screaming for his dear life! Poor thing must have been terrified. We had to restrain him with the seat belt and he was just frantic. So the bus left with Sean very unhappy, but the bus driver, Julie, was very nice. She called me as soon as they arrived to school and said that Sean stopped screaming after turning the corner from our street.
When he came back home on the school bus, he looked quite happy. He was found happily sitting on the back of the bus (apparently, the bus driver had to go back and get him because they'd forgotten to board him on the bus) and smiled at me when I went on the bus to get him. I gave him a snack when he got home and he was very content and proud that he had gone to school all by himself. "Sean's a big boy!, ride school bus!" he was exclaiming!

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