Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cannot keep the eyes open!


I have not posted Saya's pictures lately and that is because every time I snap her photo, she closes her eyes. I have about 20 pictures of her with closed eyes! I tried to sneak up, make funny noises, tickle her etc... but she precisely closes her eyes at the right (?) moment. My other kids also went through this phase and they too have a shut eye collection under their file. One of those things make you laugh!
She's doing great with solid. I am contemplating on feeding her twice a day now because she still wakes up twice during the night. She's a big girl and maybe she needs more calories. She still refuses to take bottles, which is a bad news for me! Yesterday, Amy tried feeding her a bottle and she just would not have it. She is a very determined little girl it seems. When I came home, she was in a lot of hurry to nurse. I enjoy nursing her but it would be nice to have a break once in a while.

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