Sunday, November 15, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving!

Noah looking intently at horses in the Crossroad Mall
Gorgeous Cupcakes from Trophy Cupcakes - I am not a cupcake fan normally, but I am a fan! They are that good!
Aly likes to imitate whatever Sean's doing. Here, she'd grabbed a spoon for herself and a few blocks so that she can be just like her brother!

Noah is happy 90% of the waking hour!

Aly is like a bright sunshine. She really lightens up the groomy weather.

Sweet Saya - she's got very strong grips. She likes to pull out Mommy's hair by clumps!

Aly playing with display toys at a toy store at the Crossroad Mall.

The kids all go to different directions when they are set loose.

All the merchants, it seems, were very eager to get over with Halloween so that they could pull out their cheerful Holiday decorations. Forget about the harvest theme already, it's the money making Holiday season! Well, that's the impression I got when I went to the mall with Sean this morning. Is it just me or I feel more rushed this year?
Mike and Sean are going to Minneapolis from Monday through Thursday to visit Nana and grandma Pinky. This is the very first time I am not with Sean overnight or longer. I will miss him and Daddy very much, but I am sure they'll have a good time over there. So, I will stop worrying about things!! He's a Daddy's little boy anyway, so he'll do fine without me. Aly and Saya are attached to me and Noah's to no one, so things should be ok in the house, too. It's a strange feeling though not having my little boy in the house with me.
Noah is making some progress with speech. He now says "Juice" and makes dog sounds. He also seems to respond better to music. When I sing a song about jumping, he starts to jump etc... So, he seems to be understanding a lot. He still has problems responding when I call his name and that is very concerning. We booked a neuro evaluation with Dr.Vlcek on Dec 17 and his speech eval appointment (for over all Autism eval) should be ready to be set up as I sent in his paperwork last week. He is a sweet boy and since his demeanor is so good, he gets put on the side a lot. I am sorry Noah-chan!!
We will see how the next four days go without Mike and Sean. It will be quieter for sure, but not so much as I still have three little noise makers around, keeping me working hard~


Machelle said...

Sounds like he is getting much better! Your kids are just too cute! They all look so different from one another which I think is wonderful! Cute in their own way!!! I feel rushed this year as well...I mean seriously, where is/was Thanksgiving?

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

What a cute clan! And those cupcakes made mouth water!!! I didnt realize you had gotten an autism diagnosis on Sean...or did I misread? I am sorry you are having a difficult time, hang in there.