Sunday, November 8, 2009

Staying Put

Noah getting his bangs trimmed -- he would have been a cute girl!

Noah loves Frank the koala bear

This week was eventful in its own terms, not a pleasant one. Sean got sick after getting the swine flu shot on Tuesday and missed school on Thursday and Friday. Turns out, his little friend in the neighborhood had a swine flu recently and he might have gotten it from him or it probably is going around the school right now. The doctor said his symptoms are consistent with swine flu, however is a mild one. The rest of the kids are fine, they haven't even coughed once. Mike had a day or two of feeling tired, but now I have the coughs and sore throat.

This means we had to postpone the trip to Minneapolis to the week after. The fee to change the flight was $$$$ and it's as if they are going to Japan. On top of this, we are having problems getting our money back from a contractor we almost hired last May. We paid him a deposit for the materials but the project got cancelled due to their initial quote being inaccurate. It looks like we may have to sue him... We are so busy as is and it's so annoying to be put in this position.

Sean's having a bad week emotionally, too. He just screams, hurts his brother and sisters (Saya, too), and just miserable. If we are to have a nervous breakdown, this week would have been a good one. I am seriously considering putting him on the gluten and casein free diet. If it makes Sean more manageable, I will do anything!! I made an appointment with a nutritionist next week, so I am planing to ask her about it.

I am just glad to say that we are starting a new week tomorrow. We will keep Sean at home for another day to see if his coughing improves. We have to make sure he gets better for the trip next week as we won't be able to afford to change the travel plans again. I can't wait for things to get back to normal because my kids like being on a routine, especially Sean. I think this out of ordinary schedule is making him very upset. Sigh...

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