Monday, July 5, 2010

Has Been A While!

At a Beir Garten having lunch!
Sean enjoyed listening to the band on stage.

A rare shot of me and Sean!

Cute store fronts of the main street.
Sean was very curious about the German yodeling.

Aly befriends dogs everywhere.

Strolling the town.

Window shopping
We had a fun day! Look at those thighs Saya's got!

Well, it's been a while.
Now that Sean's school's out, I don't have very much time being online, plus by the time the kids are in bed, I am exhausted and all I can do is slouch on the couch.
We had a tough couple of weeks, I must say. Noah's teething and he cries uncontrollably occasionally. I don't know when his molar would come out completely, but it sure is hurting my poor Noie. He would just scream and scream for eternity and it was very tough. Sean's misbehaving a lot these days and I think it has something to do with the schedule changes we had due to being on summer break. I am hoping the boys will be their normal selves very soon because I could just go insane.
Saya is starting to take a few steps here and there. She can now climb down the stairs at home on her tummy. I tell her to "turn around" and she says it and does it. It's really cute. She is starting to sleep better and when I am lucky, she is out until 7 am. For the last few days, she's woken up around 3 am for brief whining. I weaned her 100% now and she's done it fine. I didn't have much pain nor embarrassing leakage issue. I kind of miss seeing my baby nursing, but I am very happy to my boobs no longer have agendas on their own.
We spent our July 4th in Leavenwoth, an old railroad town that went through a complete make over in 60s to a German Bavarian town. It's located about 30 mins passed Stevens Pass and as soon as we passed the mountains, we had sunshine. We stopped at a fruit stand and bought a 3 lbs of local rainier cherries. Mike and I ate the whole three pounds on the same day. It was that good! Once there, we stopped and had our packed sandwiches at the beer garden of course with a few pints of beer while kids watched a band perform on stage. After lunch, we went to explore the town. There was an event for kids going on at the main park in the middle of the town and we had fun watching the German band play very cheerful music. There were lots going on but with a huge stroller and a kid that wanders off while you blink, we just strolled around town. It was a really cute town. We were pretty tired by the time we got home, but we had a really good time. We will definitely go back when the kids are older.

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