Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We have a "Table Time" to do their own project almost everyday. Today, Saya joined us, practicing drawing with crayons (she liked eating them, too).
Today was somewhat peaceful and I want to give myself a pat on my shoulders for working hard to do the right things. I've changed the approach to manage children's behavior and it seems to be working. I've realized that no, it's not OK for my children to act disruptive at home and outside, it's not OK for them to not respond to me when I talk to them, it's not OK for them to not share etc... In a way, I was giving them excuses like "he just doesn't understand" or "she is overtired". I am now more serious about correcting their behaviors and teaching them how to act appropriately. My previous approach was not working because the disciplinary actions were inconsistent and I did not teach them the correct behavior effectively.

I've taken Sean up to his room about five times today to let him cool down. He was kicking and screaming every time I carried him upstairs. He is skinny but I swear he can make himself heavier on demand! He almost seems like (just almost!) he has a new respect for me for being firm with him. I am in a neutral mood while doing this so that he is not getting any emotions out of me. I asked him if he needs help calming down and until the last few times he was very defiant and said no. By the fourth time, he asked me to help him calm down and I did so by reading a short story. He calmed down right away and agreed to try his best to be a good brother downstairs. I did it with Alyson once today. She kicked Saya in the head and wouldn't apologize to her. She was sent upstairs in her room and she was stunned because I rarely put her on time out up in her room. I had to put her in time out outside Sean's school yesterday because she refused to sit down in her car seat. It's a lot of work, but a battle worth fighting! I am so glad that I am spending more time with my kids now to make sure they are on a right track to become a responsible and respectful adult.

1 comment:

Machelle said...

Go you!! They say when you are serious about it they treat you better and listen to you better. I am still waiting...