Sunday, July 11, 2010

Somewhat Peaceful Weekend

Andy and Sean
I think this is Charlie??
If that was Charlie, this is Finn! :-)
Sean after his bath. Mike wraps him up in his towel and Sean calls himself a Mr. Burrito.

We had a pretty good weekend. We had another date night on Sat evening and Mike and I went to Home Depot to do some shopping first (did you know they are open until 10 pm?) and headed to downtown Bellevue for happy hour. We went to Daniel's Broiler which is on top of Bellevue Place and has a sweeping view of the city high up on the 21st floor. The place was packed with old people dressed like young people and it was really fun to people watch. We sat at the piano table where Mike's friend, Martin, was playing beautiful music but he was super loud. It was impossible to talk with my super soft voice, so I was observing the patrons there. Lots of interesting people in a different way. It seemed like this bar is a hang out place for a rich older crowed.
Liz and her three adorable boys, Andy, Charlie and Finn, came over for a play date on Sunday. Liz kindly brought us a GFCF banana bread that looks so moist and yummy and GFCF chocolate cookies she found at a store. Sean liked the cookies a lot. We'll give him the bread tomorrow morning for breakie! Liz and I were chasing the kids around to different rooms as they roam, but we put in some good talk time and had a very good visit. The kids had a very good time playing together. Thank you for coming Liz! We'll set up something very soon again.

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