Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playdate and Walk in the "Jungle"

She was just making a funny face because I was taking her picture and she wasn't in pain.
She thought is was cool to have a new black boot on.

Setting off for a walk in the "jungle" as Sean calls it (our neighborhood trail).

Aly was pink and fluffy that day.

The kids were throwing rocks, leaves, sticks and all sorts of stuff they found into the little creek.

They could have done this for a very long time!

My big boy Sean!

Mr. Rion, dressed in Bella outfit! He didn't mind dressed up as princess and he even insisted on wearing the matching globes.

We had a play date with Rion and Ayrie on Sat morning last week. Aly and Rion are in the same class together at the Japanese school. We've known Ayrie since she was five weeks old and I am very proud of her for being such a well mannered big girl! We enjoy having their company as well as her Mom's, so everyone had a good time.

Sean didn't have school on Monday for observing Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Amy came and helped out in the morning, so I took Aly and Sean for a walk to the near by nature trail. Sean calls it "jungle" but the real name is Weowna Park. It sounds Native American, but it actually was named as it spells, "we own a park". I was a little cheated after finding that out, but it's still a pretty little trail anyway.

They enjoyed throwing sticks and things into the creek and watched them carried away on the stream. We didn't walk around so much since Aly was limping slightly. I didn't think much of it because she wasn't complaining about it so much. Her limping got worse on Tuesday, so I finally took her to the emergency room. It turns out, she has a fracture on the right shin. She seems to be in less pain today and I think she is on the mend. No cast needed as the fracture is small and will heal on its own. I somehow thought my children are unbreakable based on what they've shown me in the past, but they do break! I have to be a little more watchful from now on!

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