Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rain, Trampoline and New Teacher!

The famous trampoline... not so popular anymore between Mike and I.
I must admit... I show more TV these days because of the weather.

Noah's most even tempered kid in the house these days. He's not sick like he usually is and very giggly and happy.
Good thing I didn't announce that I am going to update my blog everyday this year, which did crossed my mind towards the end of last year. So many kids so little time... But I will vow to post more to preserve our joyful chaos forever for the sake of myself, my family and friends!!

After my parents left, there hasn't been much to write about, except for the rain and more rain and Sean being in the terrible mood. We had some days that were 100% rain in the forecast and sure enough, it poured and drizzled all day long. On the days like those, my kiddos seem whinnier, messier and less agreeable compared to on the bright sunny days. They are often cooped up in the house longer, so I don't blame them.

Sean has been having episodes of explosive tantrums at home and seems more anxious than average. We have been putting back some wheat in his diet and I wondered if that is causing him to be unstable, but I now think a number of things are the cause.

1) new teacher - Sean has a new substitute teacher in his PM preschool;

2) recovering from the excitement of the Holiday season;
3) the depressing weather;
4) his best friend Parker came back from Hawaii - another change;

5) new trampoline in the house;

6) inclusion of some wheat in the diet - this is still a possibility however I know he is not that intolerant to gluten peptides according to the urine test.
I talked to Jessica the OT about the trampoline and its affect on children with the sensory integration disorder. Her input was that many children on the autism spectrum get soothed by rhythmic motion in single direction such as being rocked in the swing. They like knowing what to expect and it makes them feel safe. Trampolines do not provide the safe sensation because children jump in different directions and at different pace. It's a sensory overload for children who are sensitive to stimuli input. She explained that a child like Noah, who is under aroused in general benefits more than Sean who is on the opposite end. So, we are abstaining the kids from using the trampoline for a while and see if it helps calm Sean down. I am starting to hate that thing... it's big, ugly, and turning Sean into a little monster!! Does anyone want it?!

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