Sunday, January 30, 2011

Confused ???

A rare tender moments between Aly and Sean.
Saya is teething and likes to chew on anything she finds.

Thursday playdate with Parker!

My goal was to post 10 post each month, but I guess it is not going to happen this month... I've been exhausted everyday with endless things to do, stuff to think about, while my children are turning wilder everyday. I honestly had this urge to research if there is anything contaminating the tap water to make my children hyper and impulsive, but I didn't want to go there. I spent so many hours online trying to find out what is making my Sean, very OCD, very ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) and ADHD! Of course, the younger ones copy what Sean does, so you can imagine how that can be a bad thing...

Looking back the pictures though, I guess we had a good week. I had a meeting with the Bellevue School District coordinator and discussed Noah's Individual Education Plan with her. He is starting his preschool on Feb 14! What a big boy! Sean didn't start school until 3 1/2, so Noah is going to look particularly small, carrying a big boy backpack and perched on the school bus. I still have to figure out the morning schedule as he is going to school only in the afternoon. I am lining up home ABA and some therapies at Lakeside for him in the morning. I have to make sure they don't interfere with Alyson's school schedule, so it's a little tricky.

Saya talks a lot now and she surprises me everyday. She started to scream for fun again and I am trying to combat that with time outs. Her screaming is so loud, it makes Noah cry. Mike and I were having a silly debate over something I don't remember and she said "Daddy? Mommy?" and looked very concerned. She LOVES bath and when I say "Saya-chan chapu chapu (bath in Japanese for little kids)?", she takes her socks, pants and diaper off by herself. She runs upstairs naked before anyone else and it's very cute.

Noah has been wearing a compression vest which helps with sensory dysfunction more often these days. All therapists report that he is more vocal and in tune when he is wearing it. He started to say "itai itai (it hurts in Japanese)" while rubbing his head when he gets hurt. We are very excited about that. He also ate some vitamin gummies and that is a new and big development for him. He didn't want to eat it tonight though...

Alyson has been pretty good with potty and wears underwear when we are at home. Pooping is a little scary for her and she is yet to do it on the toilet. I think she will be fully trained by March. Well, I am going to set it as a goal. I know she is capable of it, so I just have to stick with it myself. She loves her Japanese classes and talks about her friends and sings songs she learned at school all the time.

Apart from being super naughty, Sean's doing fine. His favorite line these days are "you are going to jail". He says it when he is mad at someone or some things. He even says it to shoes if he is having trouble putting them on. At first, his naughtiness was funny. Mike and I looked at each other and since it is out of his character to be this extreme, we laughed about it. But it's starting to get old and not so funny anymore. I made an appointment with a doctor to discuss about his change in behavior, so hopefully she has some ideas and suggestions.

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