Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!!

My Dad arrived on the new year's day and it was like another Christmas day all over. He brought a suitcase full of toys and presents for everyone and the kids immediately got down to business opening the presents and playing with them. Sean and Daddy went to pick him up at the airport and Sean was a little shy but warmed up to Jiji (my Dad's nickname amongst kids) very quickly.
I hadn't seen my Dad for two years and he looked very well. Both my parents look young for their age and I am hoping I am blessed with the youthful gene, however I am thinking these four tots are going to make my fountain of youth dry up sooner than it should.
It was a blast having my Mom and Dad over the winter break. The house was lively with eight cheerful people, lots of laughter and good food. We ordered the Osechi dish again (the New Year's special food) and it made the meals together even more festive.
We stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge on 1/2 and 1/3 for a family fun. Sean was dying to go there, it was the day he was most anticipating in his little mind. I don't know how many times I used it as a threat ("you can't go to the lodge if you don't sleep now!") and it always worked! The kids had a lot of fun splashing around with grandma and Jiji. The four adults each had an assigned kid and we basically followed them around. Occasionally, we spotted each other and switched kid etc... it worked out really well. Saya was much more adventurous this time and went in and out of the pool freely. Aly and I wandered around trying out different pools. She even went down the bigger slide by herself. Noah was in love with a big beaver statue and didn't want to leave its side for a while. I didn't even see Sean till the end. He was probably trying out more thrilling slides with Daddy.
The night was hard as the kids didn't want to sleep with all the excitement. We sent Aly to grandma and Jiji's room, but she was returned to us after midnight since she started to cry asking for Mommy. Noah didn't stop wandering around the room until past midnight and Sean also was not interested in sleeping until then. You would think they would sleep in considering how late they fell asleep but not my kids! Sean woke up at 5 am and was ready to go swimming!
The highlight of my Dad's visit apart from seeing the kids was shooting some guns at Wade's shooting range in town. Mike took my Dad to spend some manly man time and they had a clean testosterone fun together. Coming from a country that bans guns all together, it was surreal for my Dad to see so many guns on display and for sale. He was pretty happy and I know he'll be bragging about it to his friends back home.
We all had a good start this year. Having my Mom and Dad here was such a treat and now the house feels empty without them. My kids call the guest room downstairs Jiji and grandma's room. I hope they left more assured than worried by seeing how we live everyday. Thank you for coming grandma and Jiji!! We really appreciate all your help and taking time off to see us!
Wooo more presents!
Saya met Jiji for the very first time!

The New Year's dish. It was yummy!

Jiji was carrying Noah and Aly - my Dad said farming is easier than chasing little kids around.

The kids loved the wave pool.

Aly was crying about something...

Jiji trying out Kinect bowling.

I asked my Dad to put Saya's PJ on and he couldn't do it. This girl wiggles out like a fish on a chopping block.

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